昨年、一足先に知人のシアトル土産で飲んでいたPike Place Special Reserve。あのおいしさを忘れられることができず、思わず3袋買ってしまったw。今日のコーヒーで使用されることが多いPike Place Blendの特別版。このパッケージは日本スタバ15周年を記念して出る豆のようです。
写真の右に出ているのは、半年ほど前に購入したAged Sulawesi Kalosi。後で飲もうなんて呑気に構えていたら、3ヶ月も前に賞味期限が切れていた!今、慌てて飲んでます。ふと思うんですが、美味しいコーヒーって冷めてもおいしいですね。Sulawesiは私の好きなコーヒーの1つ。でもはやりStarbucks reserveは烏丸で飲んだあの味が忘れられないなあ。いつかあの機械を買ってしまおう。ebayで見たら60万円くらいだったw ← おい! Coffee Equipment Companyはスタバ太郎が運営したいくらいだなあ。なんちって。あんなマニアックな機械作ったら、そりゃハワードシュルツもじっとしておれんな。買収して押さえ込むしかないわなw
最近おいしいなと思うBali。もともとスタバが販売しているアジアのコーヒーは好きな部類なんですが、Pike Place Blend以来の大ヒット商品がこれ。酸味といい、濃さというか、バランスが私好みです。スラウェシの次ぎに好きなコーヒーが誕生したなという感じです。スタバの店舗で今日のコーヒーにバリがあるだけで嬉しいです。お店で飲むなら「シェイドグロウメキシコ」も最高にいいですね。
(Starbucks USAの紹介文)
If Magellan were a coffee lover, this would be his blend.
One of the biggest rewards of world travel is experiencing the tastes of local cuisines and beverages. Since most of us don’t have the luxury of traveling on a regular basis, we’re bringing some of those flavors to you in the comfort of your own home.
Awaken your senses with the citrus and floral notes of Tanzanian coffees. Enjoy the rich cocoa taste and gentle spices of Guatemalan coffees. Let the earthy tones of the Papua New Guinea beans put you at ease.
And all of this happens within a single cup. We’ve harmoniously blended coffees from the planet’s three growing regions into one delicious fusion of flavors. Even the most experienced coffee connoisseurs will discover something new as we take their palate on a journey.
Starbucks Reserve™ 100% Kona Coffee by Starbucks Coffee 8-oz. – $22.50
For the first time, our 100% Kona coffee uses only extra fancy beans, Hawaii’s most premium grade, to offer you a rare taste of the Big Island.
The Kona district of Hawaii is 20 miles long and two miles wide. Only coffee grown in this exclusive area is truly Kona coffee. And this one, with floral and caramel aromas and flavors of citrus and nuts, captures the island’s true essence.
Starbucks Reserve™ Papua New Guinea Arokara by Starbucks Coffee 8-oz. – $14.00
The Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea, our most distant origin country, are marked by rugged peaks and broad valleys dotted with coffee farms.
Cultivated near Mt. Arokara outside the town of Kainantu – a remote location that’s both difficult to reach and challenging to farm – this coffee astounds us with its distinct flavors of bell pepper and green olive, and for the perseverance of the farmers who grow it.
Starbucks Reserve™ Organic Peru Tingo Maria by Starbucks Coffee 8-oz. – $12.50
As the Huallaga River flows toward the Amazon basin, it carries nutrients that enrich the soil near Tingo Maria where this Fair Trade Certified™ coffee thrives. Every bean imparts flavors of sweet citrus and bittersweet chocolate.
Starbucks Reserve™ Fair Trade Colombia Asoapia by Starbucks Coffee 8-oz. – $12.00
From the verdant peaks of Colombia.
This rare coffee comes from the Asoapia co-op in Colombia’s fertile Risaralda Department. In an area surrounded by three National Parks, where the country’s largest biodiverse bird population flourishes among the coffee trees and lush vegetation, the rich soil imbues each bean with a balance of lively herbal complexity, sweet citrus notes and a pleasing chocolaty mouthfeel.
Multi-Region Blends
Tasting Notes
Hearty and well-rounded with deep spicy notes
Flavor Intensity
As the legend goes, back in 1971 the original owners of Starbucks crafted this blend for one of our customers ? the captain of a fishing fleet who wanted to keep his crew happy in chilly sub-arctic seas.
His was no ordinary request. Our coffee had to stand up to frigid mornings and long days spent fishing in the icy waters where the Yukon River feeds into the Bering Sea. And so we created Yukon Blend: a hearty, bold, well-rounded coffee that laughs in the face of nature at its most rugged. No wonder it became one of our most popular coffees.
Now it’s better than ever as a 100% certified organic coffee. A balanced blend of Latin American and Sumatran beans, Organic Yukon BlendR is warm and smooth, revealing deep spicy notes for the adventurer in all of us ? perfect with sweet flavors like cinnamon, raisins, oatmeal and chocolate.
Enjoy with:
A bowl of hot oatmeal and dawn at sea.
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