アフリカのザンビアにある家族経営の農園テラノバ エステートは、不毛の荒地を約20年かけて、豊かなコーヒー農園に変貌させました。そして、驚くほど高品質な「ザンビア テラノバ エステート」を生み出したのです。ジューシーでまろやかながら、柑橘系やアプリコットなどのフルーティな風味、ココアのような後味など、複雑で繊細な味わい。ひと口、味わうたびに新しい発見があるコーヒーです。
226g \2,000(税込み)
(starbucks USA)

Zambia Terranova Estate by StarbucksR Coffee
Black Apron Exclusives? #1 – 2007
This African coffee features extremely complex flavors?particularly for a single origin coffee. Juicy acidity and a nutty cocoa finish compliment subtle layers of citrus, stone fruit and tea like tannins. Highly complex, with subtle flavors of black tea, stone fruit and a soft cocoa finish.
More about this coffee:
In 2003, Terranova Estate became our first C.A.F.E Practices-verified supplier in Africa. C.A.F.E (Coffee and Farmer Equity) Practices is a set of coffee-buying guidelines designed to reward not just sustainable farming but also high-quality coffee – something Terranova was working on intensely. The harsh Zambian dry season had been drying their harvest too quickly. By deliberately slowing the process, the growers allowed the flavors inside the bean to fully develop, revealing notes of stone fruit (think apricot) and cocoa in the cup – a complexity you might expect from a master blend, but is surprising to find in nature. Fortuanately for all of us, the growers at Terranova have always believed in the potential of their coffee, which we’re proud to share with you as a Black Apron Exclusives? offering.
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