現在のストックは、まだ飲まないでとってあるリザーブのエイジドスラウェシ、先日発売になったばかりのThree region blend、そして同じくプロモーション始まったばかりに発売されたBali。今回はオレンジと金色で刺激的な色ですね。
(Starbucks Japanの紹介文) 公式サイトより抜粋しました。
豆: ¥1,400 (250g)
(Starbucks USAの紹介文)
If Magellan were a coffee lover, this would be his blend.
One of the biggest rewards of world travel is experiencing the tastes of local cuisines and beverages. Since most of us don’t have the luxury of traveling on a regular basis, we’re bringing some of those flavors to you in the comfort of your own home.
Awaken your senses with the citrus and floral notes of Tanzanian coffees. Enjoy the rich cocoa taste and gentle spices of Guatemalan coffees. Let the earthy tones of the Papua New Guinea beans put you at ease.
And all of this happens within a single cup. We’ve harmoniously blended coffees from the planet’s three growing regions into one delicious fusion of flavors. Even the most experienced coffee connoisseurs will discover something new as we take their palate on a journey.